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Don't see your favorite fragrance of all time here?  Well, THAT is easily remedied - we have just about any smell you could want, so just ask for it! 


Simply give us 2 options for backup and we'll custom blend whatever fragrance floats your boat!  If Lemongrass is too sharp, try Lemon Verbena, a big favorite of those who love citrus!  Either way, we're here to help take you to your Happy Place just that much quicker!

'Name Your Fragrance' FreshenUP! Spray

  • 'Happier customers are a result of our mission to help you feel good, in simple ways, on a daily basis'…


    With our FreshenUP! sprays, anywhere can become a relaxing space when you spritz any one of your favorite scents around!  But don't be limited to physical spaces when you can mist your face and body too...and quite literally, FreshenUP! your life!

'an intuitive understanding of a pleasing combination of elements'

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